What after SPM 2018

Ah, the terrible days are gone! Finally I have freedom to do something I like. Add-Math in 2018 is like refurbished version, the questioning style is different, is that new government really improving the education system? Here's my personal thoughts, I think chinese has been discriminated from some people whom have protagonist aura, the marking scheme is very strict and you need to get 70 marks to get A-, precisely the grade requirements are higher than biology, chemistry and additional mathematics. I really hope the new government can do something about it.


Bahasa Melayu- I made a mistake which has a critical impact on my marks which is being known as failed time management. As a student who doesn't practices regularly, the speed of writing and thinking is pretty slow compared to the one who does the opposite. Second mistake is about confusion between real and fake techniques used to answering the questions in SPM. We should always refer to our school teachers, because usually the some tutors whom provide tuition or even guidance on internet might be wrong, as they are not the one who marks your paper. To get good grade, we should study earlier because we need to cooperate with the time. Even if you are genius, you do not possess the ability to overcome anxiety and stress. Truth to be told, you might thinking like me in the past, some people are really smart naturally. The facts are they are very hard working, they might not showing their works in public, they might claim they lazy. The most people I known, 8 out of 10 top students, paying attention to the in scope syllabus, doing practices every day and playing only just few hours. Those are the rich experiences I had in my high school. Back to the second mistake, I didn't fully understand and studied the novel, I lost 8 marks because unluckily 2 out of 5 that I didn't study came out in exam. Third mistake, making wrong steps and decision causing bad consequences. I was playing around every day without study in form 4, so I dropped from 4s1 to 5s2. The bad thing is I lost my chance to get lessons from the best BM teacher in 5s1, eventually she taught the key point of BM idioms to her students whereas my bm teacher literally abandoned us. 😟
In a nutshell, manage time wisely and choose best teachers to get best lessons.

Bahasa Inggeris- Many spot questions can be found out of nowhere from friends, teachers or internet. However unfortunately, the unexpected question appeared in Paper 1. If we rely too much on it, we get more disappointment from it. Although good personality is mandatory, but one can't communicate without a widely spoken language.

Bahasa Cina- pray much for luck so the questions came out exactly what you studied. paper 1 strategy is very significant, alternatively time management is also important.

Additional Mathematics- So hard I lose my hope to get A because I didn't do enough practices, the questioning is different than past year questions. This subject is hardest, so please do something for it!!!

Skipped on biology, chemistry, physics, moral, history, mathematics (easy).

I dream of becoming someone that is so rich in terms of financial, mindset, relationship and others.
My first plan is to work as soon as possible, so I got my first bucket of gold for me to invest my fortune. I have been worshiping Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, John Carmack, Elon Musk, Nikola Tesla since I was a kid. I love gaming as much as addicted to it when I'm in high school, so eventually I was developing sort of RPG styles game.
I applied well known western/chinese restaurant, international book store jobs to optimize my income. Besides saving money, I planned to learn economic, passive income investments strategy. Therefore assuming I can work 7 months before intake of stpm or diploma or foundation, I can save at least net 10000myr. Then after birth date, I planned to activate international transaction and register passport later on. of course, we need to do homework first, knowing the routes using public transport, doing earning everything independently like a self made magnate starting from zero. Maybe alike Jeff Bezos, sometimes we should change our principle and standpoint, changing strategy to closing someone in belief to support you in terms of monies etc.
For stock exchanges, I prefer Etoro and Kenanga. If scholarships + loan + ptptn enough to cover the fees for pre U programmes, I will go for it. because after spm, students can choose from foundation(1year aka asasi) or Diploma (2years) or Stpm (2years better than malaysia matrix) or Matrikulasi (aka easiest and cheapest program) or straight to 5 years/4years fully covered with degree program or A Level or alternative program that 6months straight after spm (fastest route to degree, shortest) and others like Australian matriculation that I do not recommended.

Due to terrible results, I hope I can get at least 7As in SPM, I am frustrated to make a right decision. I will go by education fair and alert to any announcement or opportunities given by any party, I just take part and try something new. If opportunity, time and place are matched, I plan to apply New Zealand Working Holiday Visa with capital budget at least 10,000myr . Then graduated after degree, I will apply Australia Visa and work temporary. Because the currency conversion is high, I can save more capital for my investment purposes. My goal is to create enough passive income that enough to support your mandatory life expenses, passions and some unexpectedly emergency stuff. Poor is the root of evil, greed without grateful is evil too. So read books !!!


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